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The last services Mosin Nagant?

A few years ago, we had the opportunity to put our hands on this Finnish Mosin Nagant m/39… of 1970! ...

Roadmap, Spring 2024

It has been a few months since we communicated and since Spring is at our door, it is always a ...

STG 44 & FG 42 : origins and legacies

When we look at the history of individual small-arms, the main legacy of the WWI is undoubtedly the emergence of ...

About the HK 416 F of the French Army

On September 22th, 2016, the French Army notified the German company Heckler & Koch of the purchase of 93,080 assault ...

The Choice of Words: A Reflection on Semantics regarding the Categorization of Firearms

For a long time now, we have been observing, in many conversations, on the Internet or even in the media, ...

Roadmap, Fall 2023

It’s been a few months since we’ve last communicated, so it’s time to give some news. The site is currently ...

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